Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yeah--I don't even care

I really hated the narrow columns my blog template had. So I decided to change it. Since I don't know what the heck I'm doing, I jacked it up. I know it looks like doo doo right now, but I don't feel like messing with it any more tonight. Jeeze, I may just leave it like this forever, ya know? Ya pickin up what I'm puttin down? Yeah, I'm cranky. So what. The last couple of weeks have been crap. My camera disappeared for a few days; I missed some Kodak moments. Then I found the camera. Oh, but then the USB cord connection thingy vanished so I couldn't upload any pictures to my computer. That kinda ticked me off. No, wait, what am I saying? It REALLY ticked me off. Nothing is mine in this house. NOTHING. Someone decides they want to use something of mine, do they ask? Mmm, sometimes. Usually no. Does my something get put back where whoever found it? NEVER. When I go to use it, I gotta go on a scavenger hunt. Which urks me to no end. I found my USB connector thingy tonight. Guess where it was. No, really, guess. Give up? Yeah, so did I. I found that stupid thing in the floor of the garage. Why? Is that where it belongs? No. I keep it in a certain drawer in the kitchen. It is always there. Except sometimes when I know I'm going to be using it soon, I will deposit it next to the camera on top of the microwave. Easy to find, but not easy for little toddler hands to grab.

What else happened to throw me into this funk? Oh, I don't know. Maybe it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to load some music onto my phone so when I do housework or go walking/running I'd have something to listen to that connected with my bluetooth. Maybe I was able to listen to it for a total of about 4 hours and kaput, the darn thing stopped working. That bummed me out some. But no biggie, I'll just grab my trusty old Muvo mp3 player and use it instead. It sucks that when I use it, I never fail to yank the ear bud out of my ear several times; no big deal I guess, I just do it so often. So, yesterday I grabbed my old mp3 player to load it with my stuff and guess what. You'll never guess so I'll just tell you. Someone swiped my battery out of it. Who? I'm sure you know who. Perhaps this "I don't know" person visits you every once in a while. I don't understand how "I don't know" found me all the way in California. Cause I swear I pulled over on Wildcat Drive in Portland, Texas and told "I don't know" and "Wasn't me" to get out of my van. I remember it very well and so do my 3 oldest kids. I wish "I don't know" would leave me alone. Anywho, I called AT&T yesterday and told them my phone no worky worky no more and they are sending me a new one. (Glad I purchased insurance.) I hate having to program new phones. I really hate that I lost my CTU ring tone and Frogger game. I don't want to pay for them again. But Gabriel loves Frogger. Well, he likes to watch the cars and trucks go by; he could care less about the frog. He brings my phone to me quite often and says, "Cars". Which I know means, "Put Frogger on so I can watch the cars drive by while the little frog sits in the bottom of the screen and dies because he runs out of time and then I'll freak out because the cars disappear and it says 'Game Over' and I'll shove it in your face and say 'Cars' again and we'll just keep doing that for a while till I get bored with it and call some random person on your contact list when you aren't paying attention anymore. 'K mom?" Heh, heh, I just made myself laugh. That feels good. Oh that boy is so silly. And I'm sorry if you got a call from me and I wasn't on the other end. (Wayne, Diane, Scotty) And I'm really sorry if it was 11 at night. (Christa, Kathleen) Oh, now I'm pretending these people actually read my blog. Ha ha, I crack me up! Holey Cheez-its, I gotta get to bed. Good night imaginary readers.

1 comment:

Christa said...

What kind of comment is that. I do read your blog when my computer is not crashed and I can actually log on and go to my favorites to see it, thank you very much. I believe I have left you a comment before. But since we are going there....when was the last time you called or emailed me???? Hmmmm! LOL Tell everyone I said,"Hello!".