Friday, October 2, 2009


OK, vent session time. This will be a little long...

I am sick, sick, SICK of all the non-English speaking crap going on around here. Fed up, ticked off, done sucking it up. Finished! I can't get a job...I suspect because I don't know Spanish. So, we decided that I would open a certified home day care. In order to even start the process, you have to go through an orientation which must be paid for at least 48 hours in advance. I went to pay for it and guess what. The door to the office I was told to go to was closed with a sign on it in SPANISH. No English translation at all. I was a little miffed, but I sucked it up. Fast forward...I paid later and have taken the orientation already.

Cameron's school...
Last Tuesday Chris and I went to Open House for the school. Before we went to the classrooms, there was a meeting for all the parents. They spoke in English, then translated to Spanish. That's fine. Except there were several times when they would speak in Spanish for a longer time and then people would laugh or applaud and Chris and I would just look at each other because we had no idea what was so funny. They hadn't said anything worthy of a laugh or clapping when they spoke in English, leading us to believe that the Spanish speaking people heard allot more stuff than us. And the meeting was pretty dang long, and it was burning hot in that stuffed non air-conditioned windowless auditorium.

Last Friday I went to a "Coffee With the Principal" meeting. It's just a little get-together they have every last Friday of the month to discuss the goings on at the school. There were about 50 people present. At the beginning the principal asked who needs English translation. Five of us raised out hands. Five. They put us all at one table and sat a translator with us. Throughout all of the discussion, the lady would talk softly and tell us what was being said. Um, I'm hearing impaired. So what I heard was a little bit of the English and a whole lot of the Spanish, since the person speaking Spanish was talking nonstop and louder than the person translating. And the meeting, which was supposed to be 30 minutes, turned out to be an hour and a 15 minutes.

When I go with Cameron in the mornings and pick him up in the afternoons, all I hear is Spanish, Spanish, Spanish. Even the crossing guards are speaking Spanish to each other.

During recess, Cameron doesn't understand what is going on and plays by himself or sometimes with another little boy who is English-speaking only. That kid's parents are looking into putting him in private school. Then who will speak to Cameron on the playground?

Last Straw.....
This morning I went to the PTO meeting. Which I knew would be frustrating for me. I had no intention of going. Not because I don't want to be involved in the whole process, but because I knew they would speak Spanish first, then English. I was WRONG. Spanish ONLY. I sat at a table with the only other non-Hispanic lady there and asked her if she knew Spanish. She said she knew a little, then she started translating the best she could. I couldn't hear her. I got up, walked straight to the office and told them I wanted to buy a school t-shirt. The lady told me that they were going to sell them at the PTO meeting. (Which I already knew--that's the only reason I went.) I told her LOUDLY for all to hear that I was not going to sit through it, that they were speaking Spanish and I only speak English. She asked me if they were translating, I said no. I said every once in a while they say something in English if they felt it was important enough, but for the most part, it's all Spanish. I said everyone in the United States is supposed to know English. She said not everyone. She pulled out a piece of paper with the order form for the T-shirt. I put my hand up and said, "Screw it! I'm done with this. I'm taking my kid out of this school. I'm sick of this CRAP!" I said it loudly and I walked out the door. Shaking and furious. I don't give a flying flip that there were 3 other Hispanic parents and their kids standing there in the office and 3 Hispanic office workers there to witness my outburst.

The other night, Chris and I were discussing the option of homeschooling Cameron. I'm not good at it.

But let's see.....I've gotten a call from another school about 40 minutes away letting me know that they have received Cameron's transcripts from the current school he is in and wanted to know when I wanted to come in and sign the paperwork to transfer him to their school. I said, "What? I've never even heard of your school." Now how did that mix-up occur? They sent his transcripts back to his school.

What else....they've changed the lunch time and pick up time on Wednesdays without letting the parents know.

Cameron got into a fight in the bathroom when a boy pushed him and Cameron pushed back. There was no adult supervision. The boy left a scratch on Cameron. When I spoke to the teacher about it the next day, she told me that they were aware of it and that the boy is autistic and that now they wait till everyone else is done and then they take the boy to the bathroom by himself.

They other day when I was helping Cameron with his homework, he informed me that they are making him write with his right hand. He's left-handed. When I approached them about it, they said it wasn't true. Why would Cameron tell me that?

Also, I noticed that Cameron is now biting his nails while he's trying to do his homework. Is he frustrated too. Is this a coping mechanism? Every morning when I'm trying to get him ready for school, he tells me he doesn't want to go, that it's not fun and he hates it.

Kindergarten is not supposed to be this way. How is he going to be successful in school if he starts out hating it? I'm at a loss.

So, I'm looking into homeschooling options for us. Problem is, how do I do this daycare and home school at the same time? What about his speech therapy that he receives at school? What about socialization? I'm lost and frustrated right now. I want to hold Cameron in my arms and just cry right now. I feel like we are failing him.

Any words of wisdom?


Heidi Noel said...

Might I suggest a blessing for both you and Cameron? Then fasting and prayer. This is a problem that I would have a hard time with and that is how i deal. Yesterday I told Andy I needed to go to the temple and then I just left. It brought a wonderful peace and Anneke even said she was thankful I could go in her prayer last night. We will pray for you.

Andy said...

I don't know if this helps, but I had a thought I shared in testimony meeting. I'll write it up and post it on my blog. The only reason I'm doing it that way is I'm afraid the thought is a bit long for a comment.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this too. I don't have any easy answers. I can tell you my mom tried to homeschool me. She stank at it, but I still turned out okay. Sometimes you have to just go with the best of what may seem like several bad options.

Heidi Noel said...

My first post may not have been as helpful by way of options. Andy and I both home schooled at one point. There are home school groups and programs that are accredited. I know here they have an online program called K-12.
I would, however, start by contacting the school board and/or the superintendent and make your case. Keep bugging them. Make some noise. They have meetings that are open to the public (by law) so I am sure you can air your feelings.
Here they also have a zone variance form you can fill out and have your child placed in another school. It has to be accepted though. I wanted to do it this year for Marcus. He is not having a good experience, but not as bad as Cameron and you.
Again, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I can't even imagine how awful it must be for you.