Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Odio la escuela de Cameron

The title is supposed to say...I hate Cameron's school. I don't know for sure since I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH. But that's what the online English/Spanish translator gave me when I submitted it.

About a month ago Cameron started asking Chris to come to school to protect him. We just kinda thought Cameron was having a bad day here and there and that was his way of expressing it. We didn't realize that it was every day. On November 30th, I went to the office and asked for an appointment with the principal. I was told to wait a few minutes and the principal would be with me. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, I called Chris on my cell while I was right there in the office, and read off the principal's name and phone number that were posted on the wall. (I felt like one of those people that call 911 while they are in the ER waiting for help.) I had him call for an appointment personally since, 1, I wanted to make sure it would be for a time that Chris would be there, and 2, because Chris is the one that Cameron has been asking for protection. Chris was able to speak to the principal by phone and explained that Cameron was being bullied and asking for protection. The principal seemed genuinely concerned. She set up the appointment for December 3rd, and assigned someone to keep an eye on Cameron on the playground and take notes. December 3rd came; we had a phone conference since the principal had fallen and hurt her back and was not cleared by her doctor to return to school. Present at the meeting were Cameron's teacher, the principal's secretary, and me and Chris. The principal's secretary read the notes that the monitor had taken; we found out that the situation was a bit worse than we imagined. One of the observations was on November 30th, (the day I first brought their attention to the bullying.) It stated that while Cameron was heading back to his class after lunch recess, an older boy (possibly a third grader) said, "Let's get him." Then he and three boys went after him. The monitor stopped them before they got to him. It hurts me to think what would have happened if I wouldn't have gone that day. The person wouldn't have been watching for this. The meeting lasted about 45 minutes and we left feeling like maybe there was hope. The principal later sent this email: (I've replaced the names with the title of the person)

From: Principal
Sent: Thu 12/3/2009 10:32 PM
To: Cameron's teacher; csinclair19@xxxxxxx
Cc: School councelor; Principal's secretary
Subject: RE: Cameron

Thank you Ms. Teacher. Excellent steps taken.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Secretary and Mrs. Teacher,

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Secretary and Mrs. Teacher for participating in the phone conference this morning. I am so sorry I was not able to be there in person.

As per my notes Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair reported the following regarding Cameron:

* Cameron is feeling unsafe at school.
* Mr. Sinclair reported that Cameron asked dad if he could go to school with him to protect him.
* Mr. Sinclair reported the following students have been bothering Cameron:
* Gabrielle
* Jonathan
* Erica
* Kimberly
* Orelly
* Jose C.
* Around Nov. 10 Cameron came to school with a hurt finger. Gabrielle purposefully slammed her hand on his hurt finger. Cameron did not report this incident to the teacher. When parents asked Cameron why he didn't tell the teacher, he replied by stating that he didn't want to get anyone in trouble. Mrs. Sinclair also reported that Cameron shared that when he told Mrs. Student Teacher about a previous incident that she replied by saying, " So you are blaming the other student." Cameron of course did not feel supported at all by this comment. Mrs. Sinclair said Cameron is not comfortable telling the adults at school when something goes wrong.
* Mrs. Sinclair reported that Cameron begins to cry when he is picked up from school as though he is communicating relief from the stress of the day.
* Cameron shared that Gabrielle told him he is disgusting.
* Another child (name unknown) held his fist up to his face and told him he was going to hit him.
* Wrestling behavior on the playground
* Parents reported that Cameron asked. " When is my skin going to be brown?" and " I am never going to be Hispanic."

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair for sharing your concerns with us. I am deeply sorry that this negative behavior has been occurring here at school for your son Cameron. It is completely unacceptable. Our action plan is the following:

* Continue with vigilant supervision on the playground so that we can completely curtail this type of behavior.
* I will communicate this concern to the rest of the staff as well so that it may be more effectively addressed on the playground.
* Mrs. Teacher will continue with the steps she mentioned. As well as call other parents of students who may be repeated offenders.
* We all need to talk to Cameron to encourage him to let the adults know when he is feeling unsafe or hurt emotionally or physically by others and continuously enforce that he is safe at school.
* When Ms. School Councelor returns I will ask her to work with Cameron and other children in small group counseling to foster a better understanding among the children.
* I will touch base with Cameron every day once I return.
* We will stay in close contact with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair.

Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair please call us immediately should Cameron feel unsafe in any way. Thanks again for sharing your concerns with us. We will continue our commitment in keeping Cameron safe.

Thank you Ms. Teacher, Ms. Secretary and Ms. Councelor for your continued dedication and support.

Regards, ~Mrs. Principal

From: Cameron's Teacher
Sent: Thu 12/3/2009 2:27 PM
To: Principal
Subject: RE:

FYI- Cameron Sinclair
Did a total class lesson- 2nd step.Talked to small group of identified students.Talked to Cameron alone and determined that the JONATHON is from Room 12.Unable to phone Gabrielle's mom. Sent note with Prime Time teachers so she will be sure to get it.Talked to Mrs. Sinclair after school assuring her that we are working on it. She was content. I hope you are feeling better!


This past Thursday, December 10th, I got a call from the school nurse. Cameron had been punched in the face at lunch recess and was in the nurse's office being iced. We picked him up early, but by the time we were notified, it had been about 45 minutes and the redness was pretty much gone. I tried to get a good picture of his pink cheek to post here and to have for when/if we try to take further action against the school. Unfortunately, my good camera met the floor at 3-year-old-tantrum-miles-per-hour a few months ago and I haven't been able to replace it. So, no decent picture. By the way, we do have a camera now that hopefully we won't need for such pictures. We are still trying to decide how far we want to go with this. We are extremely concerned. We feel that there should be something more than "a talking to" and time out for such behavior. I don't care what the age is. School should be a safe place. I have worries that Cameron is going to be pushed from the top of the playground equipment. Or, something more extreme...is he going to be shanked? Is there going to be some kind of Cameron's Law in the future? I pray not.

I have more to say, but this is pretty long already. If anyone has any opinions/ideas on what we should do, please let me know through comments or email. We really are lost right now.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Though not nearly on the same level, Marcus is suffering from the bad actions of his peers in PE. When his teacher mentioned this, I could see her frustration that there wasn't anything she could do about it.
In my mind, the problem with this situation lies in the home (I know this doesn't help much). We found out that there's a child in our ward whose parents have let him watch Saw with them. Guess who is the most violent kid in primary. You'll never get it right. Kids here don't get much encouragement to do well in school from home, they get to do anything they want and have no limits. It sucks.
It seemed from the principal's email that she was willing to get on top of things. Has she said anything about this latest incident? If she's not responding to this, you'd be right to find another solution for the kid. Are you allowed zone variances?
I'm sorry (both that y'all are going through this and for the length of my comment). We'll keep you in our prayers.