Friday, June 5, 2009

Here a mohawk, there a mohawk...

These pictures would have been posted on Memorial Day but, if you read my blog recently, you know that I couldn't find the thing that connects the camera to the computer. But, I discovered that I can remove the memory card from my camera and plug it right into my laptop and upload pictures that way. DUHHHH. Oh, shuddup!


Back in April Chris cut his hair into a pitiful looking mohawk for about 5 minutes just to be silly. Ever since then, Cameron has wanted one. I kept stalling because...eeww. Then Chris went and reminded Cameron by doing this....

(Strange isn't he?)

So we promised Cameron that we could cut his hair into a mohawk after church on May 24th. And here he is...
(Quite superior to Chris's mohawk, in my opinion.)
The next day, Memorial Day, we had this...
(Also superior to Chris's.)
That same evening, Cameron was outside and all the neighborhood kids came up to him oohhing and aahhing over his mohawk. The next day one of the aforementioned kids had a mohawk. It's mohawk madness around here.
Way to go Chris. Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Is that really our little Christopher? He sure is growing up fast. Cool do!

Anonymous said...

You do know that that last comment was made by Grandma don't you. Love Grandma