Friday, July 30, 2010

Request for good thoughts, prayers, etc...

I meant to post this a few days ago. I'd like to once again ask my friends and family to lift our friend Jewel up in your thoughts, prayers, whatever it is you do. Today is the two year anniversary of her son Tylor's tragic death. We all miss him.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A decision in which we want your opinion...

We are at a point that we need to really settle on where we are going to live in a few months. This is a difficult decision. Here's why...

The veteran benefits in California are excellent for us. When Chris retires our kids get to go to college tuition free. There...that's it...the number one reason we would stay. That's a biggie for us. Number two reason is Christopher wants to graduate here with his friends.

On the other hand, it really bothers us that we have no family anywhere near us. Cameron still talks about Troy, Sabrina, Lauren, Katelyn and Joey. While we have zero plans on moving to the Houston area, somewhere within a few hours driving distance would be ideal. Keep in mind we still want to be able to use our military benefits so a military base nearby is pretty important. This leaves San Antonio, Wichita Falls and Corpus Christi. Wichita Falls would have been's 6 hours from family in Houston, and 7 hours from family in Kansas City. Unfortunately, we've been watching the weather and it is HOT there...hotter than Houston. That leaves San Antonio (also hot) and Corpus. Guess where we picked. That's right...Corpus. The job market is booming. Housing is affordable. The people are friendly. The sunsets are beautiful. And there's the beach. BUT...that wonderful college benefit is not there.

So, what to do? Stay here in California where we have no family but college is guaranteed. Or go ahead and move to Corpus, disregard Christopher's wishes to finish school here with his friends, and struggle to get our kids through college?

How about you vote here...

Monday, June 28, 2010


I have another blog. A secret blog that only I have access to. When I have deep thoughts that I don't feel like sharing with others, that's where I go. I can type out the things that bother me. Sometimes I feel better. Sometimes the things I write stay with me for a while, popping into my mind often.

Last year Jonathan Roche sent out an email to his followers telling us to think about what we would do if we found out we only had 6 months to live. I thought about it...a lot. I cried. I couldn't, and still can't imagine being given that kind of news. This past week, with the sad news our family has received regarding our dear sweet Sue (Mom's sister) having limited time left, I have been thinking on it again.

I've decided to share with you what I wrote in my secret blog back on August 21, 2009. It's nothing spectacular, just my own thoughts at the time. And I guess goals that I need to get cracking on before my time runs out suddenly. Here it is...copied and pasted..
Six Months To Live
What would I do if today I found out I only have six months to live? I'd spend a few hours crying and regretting all that I've messed up. Then I would do everything in my power to spend more time with my kids. I'd take many many pictures with each child. I'd go to Texas and spend time with my family there. I'd figure out a way to see the stars from the ocean and the Northern Lights. I'd maybe pick up the french horn again. If I had the strength, I'd take dance lessons, then find a formal event and go dancing with my husband. Shoot, I'd dance with my kids too. I'd take my kids to the beach more. I'd read to them more. I'd hug them longer and more often. I'd find a way to see the broadway production of Les Miserables again, and this time I'd take my kids. Emily and I would complete her dress that we started months ago, and hopefully it will still be her size. I'd sort through the tons of pictures we have in boxes and finally organize them.
Posted by Cheryl at 11:50 AM
So, that's that. Something to think on. Maybe I should print this out and tape it to my mirror so I can see it every day. My (Our) time is limited...I (we) have to stop being afraid to do things. Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Quick Update...

Just wanted to let everyone know that Chris got the final approval on his retirement. So, there's no turning back now. AND since the kids and I are staying here in San Diego instead of moving to a new school, Chris has decided to go ahead and do a retirement ceremony. As before, you're all invited if you want to make the trip here. The official date is December 3rd. That's set in stone. If you plan on coming, it would be great if you could let us know. We need to set up a few things and figure out how many tents to plant in the back yard. Ha ha. No really, I'm not joking.

As far as the school situation...we are staying put for one more school year. Not because we love the school, but because we love the special education team working with Cameron. We still do not have a diagnosis and are working with the team at the school. The team at the school has come together several times and shared their observations and evaluations with each other and then us. In March our pediatrician referred us to a neurologist who specializes in difficult to diagnose cases, like Cameron. I called and discovered there was a loooong wait. Cameron's appointment was set for June 18th. When we told the special ed team at school who the doctor was, their eyes lit up and then they told us that this particular doctor is world renown. Yay! They worked over the next couple of months and put together an extensive information packet for us to give to the neurologist. On June 18th, we showed up for our appointment and were told that our insurance declined to pay. Umm, thanks for the notice. Our insurance company wants us to go to the Naval Hospital. Okiee dokiee. I'm not thrilled with that because I have never, never, ever had a great experience with the military hospitals. EVER. Oh well, gotta do what we gotta do. Chris went in Friday and was told that they are booking appointments for August. CRAP! School starts September 7th and we were hoping to have a diagnosis and a plan by then. Also, the Naval Hospital doctors have their own questionnaire for us and the teachers to fill out. It's SUMMER TIME. We've already done this extensive series of questions for the civilian doctor. Probably more thorough than the one the Navy docs are wanting. But no, not good enough. *sigh* We'll get it done though.

So that's some of what's going on around here. I'll try to put some pics up as soon as I locate the little cable thingy that connects my craptastical camera to my craptastical computer. We have some pictures of Cameron in his karate gi. He's so cute. He just advanced to 2nd degree white belt and I got a little video of him breaking the tape on his belt. His face is priceless. Also, I have some pictures from the zoo and also Cameron's Kindergarten graduation. And we're going hiking tomorrow, so hopefully I can get some good pics then too.

Y'all take care...

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Van

***Our van broke down New Year's Eve. We had it towed to our house.(I love USAA) It sat in our driveway till February when we figured we had enough money saved up to fix it. We had it towed to our favorite car repair shop.(Again, love USAA) They replaced the fuel pump. We drove it home. Two days later when I was getting ready to go somewhere, I got the kids in the van and got my seat belt on. Put the key in the ignition.......nothing. Try again....nothing. Try again....nothing. Oh yay! Our van sat in the driveway till last week when we decide, "Hey, why don't we get the battery checked!" (We hadn't checked it already because it was still pretty could it be the battery?) Chris took the battery out, took it to Kragen....4 AMPs. Wow. Next day we took it to Sears where we bought it in the first place. Guess what. Still under warranty for about 23 more days....we got another for free. Shew! For the last almost 4 months we've been driving Chris's Ford Focus and Emily's Mazda Protege. Both small cars. If the whole family had to go somewhere, we would go in two cars. Today, I drove the van for the first time since before New Year's Eve. I felt like I was in a truck; high off the ground...loved it. Only problem was, I kept reaching for the gear shift between the two front seats. Um, in the van, it's on the steering column. Same with the parking break, except in the van, that's on the floor.***

***Since the van's been closed up pretty tight for the last four months, the windshield leaks where there is a rust spot at the top on the passenger side, and it rained a few times....the carpet in front of the passenger seat is black, stinks like mildew and is NASTY***

***Wondering how terrible it would be to just let Chris MacGyver the rust spot with silicone sealant***

***Also wondering how terrible it would be if we just pulled the stinky carpet out and drove the van around without it***

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Four Months Ago.........(picture heavy)

I said I would post pictures from the Monster Jam. It was just about 4 months ago, I'm sorry. We have over 300 pictures and I was hoping for some help in selecting them; but so far, nothing. So, I'm posting what I feel like posting and if the pictures that I post are not pictures that other people in this house would've posted, too bad.

First off, it was a B-E-A-utiful day after a full 5 days of rain and flooding.

We rode the bus and trolley there to avoid the traffic at Qualcomm Stadium. Cameron and Gabriel are just fascinated by the MTS. It was very easy, convenient and fun.

Christopher, Gabriel, Chris

Cameron, Emily

Gabriel in a different seat because he was too excited to sit in one spot.


Pit Party........

We saw the car from Back to the Future, and got an autograph from one of the designers. Saw the police car from the Andy Griffith Show. Tow-Mater from Cars. And we can't forget the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo.

I'm sure you don't really care to see all of the pics, so here's the Mystery Machine..

The Drivers and their Monsters...

Pat Gerber and The Shocker...(truth be told, we got in this line because it was the shortest)

Frank Krmel and Blue Thunder (Yes, that is Krmel, it is not misspelled)

The kids with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Mark McDonald and El Toro Loco (Pretty darn long line, but I had to have a picture with my beloved El Toro)

Jim Creten and The Bounty Hunter

Dawn Creten and The Iron Outlaw (She normally drives Scarlett Bandit, but the Bandit was too beat up from the last show and the driver of Iron Outlaw don't really care, do you?)

The Show

Monster Mutt

Iron Man

Ninja Turtle

Blue Thunder

Demolition Derby

The guy here in the pic spilled his beer under my seat, which ended up all over my backpack and Cameron's earmuffs. I had to dry his earmuffs on my jeans. Yuck. And the guy kept booing Blue Thunder. Grrr...I wanted to throw my elbow back into his face a few times. But I refrained.

We had a great time.